Well, I woke up and I wanted to make sure that I remembered my dream so I ran out to my car and grabbed ny lap top. Now I am in my room and sitting on my bed.
I don't remember how this dream started, but I do know that it's been the first positive dream in a long time that had to do with Jenny. I believe that this dream was God showing me what will happen one day. Here it goes...
I know that I was dreaming something for a while that had to do with being at a mall or something. However, at some point I was at home on a table that resembeled an old table from my house in Argentina. Then I must fallen asleep or something because I woke up on my bed and I must have answered the phone becuase I know that I didn't dial any number. Jenny was on the other line and she asked me if she woke me up, but I said that I was fully awake now. She started to tell me something but I really couldn't understand her because it was getting cut off and because she was crying. The lsat thing that I thought that I heard was that she said "I love you." but I had no idea of what she was talking about. So, I sort of stopped her and told her that I just couodn't understand her and she continued to cry. Here I was in that old table again and she just magically appeared on the other side of the table. I spanned my look left and there she was. She started to talk again and again I stopped her, took her by the hand and took her to my room so that I could show her that I never erased the place on my mirror where she wrote "Babe, te amo *heart*" in red lipstick. However, someone had erased that and written "j holla." Hahaha, I don't know what that was about but I was so mad in my dream that I woke up and sat up. I was mad when I woke up too. I tried to go back to sleep to continue my dream, but it didin't work. However, I think I was either praying while I fell asleep or while I was asleep, but I remember vividly hearing a voice tell me, "Wait." I KNOW that it was God AGAIN telling me to wait on Him.... and I will.
Last Sunday, the 21st, I remember that while we sang a song called, "America Sera Para Cristo," the pastors had asked the congregation to stand when their country was mentioned and I thought that there was this girl that stood up when Argentina was called. She was real cute too and I started to wonder what would it be like if I dated someone else. At the same time, however, I was fighting that urge and I kept on trying to remember that Jenny IS my future wife. Then, I looked straight down and read this one line in the next song that we were going to play that said, "The promise that I have for you is greater than you can imagine." HAHA, I LOVE YOU LORD!! HE comes in and rescues me EVERY TIME!! I cannot wait to praise my God at my wedding, standing next to Jenny... both of us crying because of what we both endured until we were joined together...
I don't remember how this dream started, but I do know that it's been the first positive dream in a long time that had to do with Jenny. I believe that this dream was God showing me what will happen one day. Here it goes...
I know that I was dreaming something for a while that had to do with being at a mall or something. However, at some point I was at home on a table that resembeled an old table from my house in Argentina. Then I must fallen asleep or something because I woke up on my bed and I must have answered the phone becuase I know that I didn't dial any number. Jenny was on the other line and she asked me if she woke me up, but I said that I was fully awake now. She started to tell me something but I really couldn't understand her because it was getting cut off and because she was crying. The lsat thing that I thought that I heard was that she said "I love you." but I had no idea of what she was talking about. So, I sort of stopped her and told her that I just couodn't understand her and she continued to cry. Here I was in that old table again and she just magically appeared on the other side of the table. I spanned my look left and there she was. She started to talk again and again I stopped her, took her by the hand and took her to my room so that I could show her that I never erased the place on my mirror where she wrote "Babe, te amo *heart*" in red lipstick. However, someone had erased that and written "j holla." Hahaha, I don't know what that was about but I was so mad in my dream that I woke up and sat up. I was mad when I woke up too. I tried to go back to sleep to continue my dream, but it didin't work. However, I think I was either praying while I fell asleep or while I was asleep, but I remember vividly hearing a voice tell me, "Wait." I KNOW that it was God AGAIN telling me to wait on Him.... and I will.
Last Sunday, the 21st, I remember that while we sang a song called, "America Sera Para Cristo," the pastors had asked the congregation to stand when their country was mentioned and I thought that there was this girl that stood up when Argentina was called. She was real cute too and I started to wonder what would it be like if I dated someone else. At the same time, however, I was fighting that urge and I kept on trying to remember that Jenny IS my future wife. Then, I looked straight down and read this one line in the next song that we were going to play that said, "The promise that I have for you is greater than you can imagine." HAHA, I LOVE YOU LORD!! HE comes in and rescues me EVERY TIME!! I cannot wait to praise my God at my wedding, standing next to Jenny... both of us crying because of what we both endured until we were joined together...
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