So there is this article ( [15mar07]) that talks about how a leading Baptist clergyman talks about how the Christian church has to, “brace [themselves] for the possibility that a biological basis for homosexuality may be proven.”
Now brace yourselves… I AGREE…
Now before you get all your wires crossed as to what I am saying… Read ahead…
Here’s one thing I know for sure: There have been people, some that I know personally, that have said that they were homosexuals, and then, they later admitted realizing that they were homosexuals not because of birth or choice, but because of past traumatic experiences (i.e. child molestation).
Here’s another thing I know for sure: There are people that are homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexuals. And, no matter what the reason is that people fall into these categories, the truth is that these categories exist.
This takes me to stating that there have been national tests that have been implemented that confirm the statements in the previous paragraph. One such test and scale is called the Kinsey Scale ( This scale speaks of people that feel anywhere from really really straight, all the way to the other side of the spectrum to where people feel really really homosexual. Ask yourself a deep question that only you can answer: have you ever, even for an instance, wondered what it would be like to kiss someone of the same sex? Well, going on. This test shows that human sexuality is fluid and not so legalistic as to have to say what previous generations were ‘so sure’ of in splitting sexuality into very distinct sections.
That being said, I want to propose this: Since sexuality seems to be fluid, I would like to state that I believe that there are people that have been traumatized into thinking that they are somewhere on the homosexual or bisexual end of the spectrum, AND that the sinful nature that we inherit from Adam (of the biblical Adam & Eve) might be able to affect genetics in sexual orientation in the same way that it affects genetics in aging.
Please keep reading…
God says in His Word (The Bible) that He created us and we would never die. We seemed to have had no age limits, no sin, no death. But then Adam and Even both sinned and since then, humankind has had a limited life. Aging and dieing is a genetic trait. So, something happened that caused this genetic change, thus, sin and our sinful nature. The Bible says that at some point we are created in God’s mind before we are “knit in our mother’s womb,” (Psalm 139:13). But, God does not implant our sinful nature into us; rather, we inherit that from Adam (Psalm 51:5). I don’t know, nor do I think that we will ever find out, when and where exactly this point of inheritance is, but the fact that it is there seems obvious. Since we have been affected by our inherited sinful nature genetically as shown by our aging process, I also believe that it is possible that our inherited sinful nature may also be able to affect our sexual orientation. No matter what, whether or not sexual orientation can be traced back to one or multiple genes, the possibility is there and we do not have an answer either way right now. Therefore, as the Universal Church, I feel that we cannot say that being homosexual is wrong, rather, we must only repeat what the Bible says in that the act of homosexuality is wrong. Never in the whole Bible does God say that being a homosexual is wrong, instead, states that a man that lies with another man is committing an act that is an abomination to God, (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13). We can look at it this way; the LORD says that we are to fight against lust and fornication and adultery; therefore, people that have homosexual desires need to fight against that as well.
I also want to state that this does not mean that I believe that God creates people that are homosexual. Rather, that God, knowing that they will be affected by our sinful nature in that manner, probably creates that specific person in such a way as to be able to live a life that is pleasing to God. The LORD know what our weaknesses will be due to our sinful nature, and I believe that He, in His infinite timeless wisdom, creates us with strengths that will balance those though Jesus.
This takes me to the marriage versus singleness debate. Wur ma peeps at that God has called to be single their whole lives? Anyone? In my experience, people tend to place the gift or marriage above the gift of singleness. I believe that the gift of marriage truly is a gift when we were designed to be married; when we were made in such a way as to be able to glorify God the most through our marriage. Likewise, the gift of singleness is truly a gift that can only be fully received by the person that God intended to stay single. I can see that maybe I lost you if you are a teenager or a young unmarried adult. But, the truth is that there are people that were meant to be single; that were prepared to be single by God because that is the way that He knew that He could be glorified the most. Maybe people that might have been born with their genetic makeup influencing them to have homosexual desires were created by God in such a way that He knew that they would be able to remain single. Now remember, I don’t believe that God creates people to be homosexuals, rather that He, knowing that sinful nature will have that affect, created them in such a way as to be able to abstain from their homosexual desires. Can you imagine how much more of the image of God we would be able to see if we fully add to the body of Christ those that are called to be single while homosexual? Or, how much more of God we could experience if those that are oppressed by the pain in their past and therefore have ‘chosen’ to live a homosexual lifestyle are not confused from who they really are anymore and can live in the freedom of being the people that God meant them to be. Also, can you imagine how oppressive the church is being to those people that might have no choice in their sexual orientation? Can you imagine wanting to fit in and not being able to because who you are as far as your sexual orientation is attacked by saying that YOU (not your actions but YOU) are detestable to God? I feel that the church is missing out on seeing more of God and that God’s heart is troubled and terribly saddened by the lack of open-mindedness from His Church about this issue.
To recap, I feel that we truly do not know if homosexuality can be based on genetics or not, but since the possibility is there, we cannot turn our back on that possibility because of the immense suffering that we might be causing people in them not feeling like they can be themselves to be accepted by the Church, and, therefore, by God… at least in their minds. All I want to do is glorify God and love people, and I believe that the way that I put things here make my heart transparent. Please let me know what you think on this. I could be totally wrong, I could be totally right, and I could be somewhere in the middle. Again we see fluidity J.
PS – This is still a work in progress…
Friday, March 16, 2007
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Most fundamentalists still insist that gay people "choose" to be gay, though most medical researchers believe that sexual orientation is given at birth for most people. To acknowledge that God does create some people as gay (as God created some left-handed) would be to admit that their fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible is wrong.
In the face of growing medical evidence that sexual orientation is given at birth, some fundamentalists are preparing a way to still justify their prejudice against gays-- by claiming it's a treatable disease.
Here's a link to an excellent essay by a Baptist minister who had a change of heart on this issue:
Father Mychal Judge, the NY fire chaplain who died on 9/11, was openly gay. His whole life was an imitation of Christ and he was seen by many as a living saint. Fr. Mychal famously asked, "Is there so much love in the world that we can afford to discriminate against any kind of love?!"
first of all us as christians should love everybody no matter what kind of trash we have. homosexuality beeing genetics,i truly don't believe in that yes you are right about adam and eve and that god changed something in our genes but still (i don't know what believes you have )but i think that satan is trying really hard to shut the eyes of people by them researching homosexuality if it's genetic. satan wants to build his kingdom for the final war and he's confusing people by putting them on the wrong track. of course that doesn't mean that god doesn't love them he does cause every sin is the same wether it's telling a lie or committing adultry. he wants us to follow him and be a part of his body. all these people if they start to know jesus will realize what they are doing wrong. does that mean we should talk bad about or to them clearly not instead of trying to talk to misguided people like that but by praying and showing them the true meaning of life and love and that no human can make you as happy as jesus can. i love my lord and i wouldn't change my life back to what it was. what you wrote about beeing single. paul says in corinthians that we should rather stay alone and not get married but before you become a sinner you should find a person to be with. the only reason god made marriage is to bear children to build his kingdom of course not everybody sees it that way( took me long enough)but that is what he wanted so yes i am sure that there is people out there who are supposed to stay single but don't and the marriage doesn't last but i think god will show who will and who won't stay single only if you listen to him( which is really hard sometimes)gods time is so different from us but using homosexuality for people to stay single have a hard time to believe that. gay people can get" healed" and put back where god wanted them to be.also i truly believe that god gave us a plan for our life he planed every step of the way if we follow him and he knows what will happen in the future. if god wanted me to be alone i wouldn't be married a second time but this time to the right person i am sure if i would have listened to him i wouldn't have the first time but sometimes we have to go through things to grow and learn and also to help others by our experiences just like being gay. how can you talk about god to a gay person if you never went through it. god is so good and so great that if people want to be healed he will do so. not everybody will get married and full fill their purpose in his kingdom single but i think that god will show each and every christian what they are supposed to do and why we were born.
god bless
Hi jmKelly - -
I never said that God creates people to be gay. I don't believe that. I said that I believe that God creates people in His mind and that at some point in the physical creation of human beings, the sinful nature that we inherit comes into play and that THAT is why some people have homosexual tendencies.
Also, you mentioned that Father Mychal Judge was an "imitation of Christ." I am sorry, but Christ would have never sinned in committing fornication whether it would be with a male or female; neither in physical action or mental fantasy. I am SURE, that father Michael committed those two and therefore is not an imitation of Christ.
Lastly, your comments quotes Mychal preacher saying that, "Is there so much love in the world that we can afford to discriminate against any kind of love?!" This shows me that this father clearly did not abstain from romantic love between two people of the same sex. Again, he was most definitely NOT a imitation of Christ.
Hi Marion - - -
I definitely agree that we need to embody the love of Christ in every situation with everyone we encounter. About homosexuality and sexual preference “BEING” a genetic trait, I didn’t say that nor did I intend that to be understood as my point of view. I was merely saying that the Bible never says otherwise; nor does it say anything that would imply that the only thing that would be possible is that it is a choice. You seem to say that you don’t believe that it’s genetic, but I would like you to tell me what in my premise or conclusion you find fallacious. Also, as the bible says in 1st Peter 3:15, “Be prepared to defend the faith.” The verse uses the word apologia, which means “give a rational/formal defense.” So, when science researches something, we, as Christians, MUST be aware of what is going in the world in order to be able to defend our faith as we are commanded by Christ through Peter. However, we cannot fend off a legitimate point of view when nothing that we have in the Bible goes contrary to it. The quick reaction that some (if not most) Christians have when someone talks of homosexuality in a manner that is not customary is due to tradition and ignorance. A Christian CAN NOT say that it is not genetic since we have no concrete indication either way. If we do make a statement like that, then we might be completely shutting out the people that have this sexual tendency from entering in the kingdom of God. This makes me rather angry, because I think that Satan is playing to our traditional point of view and our habitual tendencies and beliefs to have us not be able to see more of God (look at the blog to see what I mean with ‘more of God’) and to oppress people even further in the opposite direction of the Kingdom. Hence, we could become a modern version of Jesus’ Pharisees.
I like what you said when you stated that “…if they [homosexuals] start to know jesus will realize what they are doing wrong.” That is SOOO true, but let me point out something in what you said that I believe people pass by while they read it or think about it without giving it a second glance. You said that they would realize what they are doing is wrong. Not that they, as people, would be wrong in desiring same sex partners (since it could be part of the effect of sinful nature), but that they would be wrong in acting in their desires through physical action or mental action. EVERYWHERE in the Bible that God speaks of homosexuality, God speaks of the act being a detestable thing in His eyes. Never does the Bible talk about the inner tendency to act in this way other than to say that sin comes with our sinful nature. Then Jesus speaks of us not committing any sinful act with our minds because that is already a sin. So, all we know for sure is that people that have a homosexual tendency have to abstain from the sin itself whether it’s in our minds or in our actions, just like any heterosexual.
Also, of course that I want them to experience Christ, but I don’t want them to experience Christ the way that I experience Christ; I want them to experience Christ in the way that Christ wants them to experience Him. So, I cannot go talk to a homosexual person and assume that they are wrong in the way that they are, I have to come at them saying, “I don’t know how you were created or affected by sinful nature, all I know is that the first and foremost thing that you and I need is Jesus;” then, and only then, can the Holy Spirit convict them of their sinful actions and the things that are displeasing to God. I cannot act as judge when the Bible leaves the subject unclear. I can only act as judge when the command is already given from above.
Another thing, I don’t think that what you said Paul was saying is what he meant at all. I believe that Paul was saying that if you are already with someone, and you cannot abstain from sexual sin with that person AND that that person is the person that the LORD desires for your life, THEN are you to get married. If we all start getting married just because we cannot abstain from sex and go out looking for people, then WE are the ones looking because we have no self control and we will end up marrying someone whom the LORD never intended for us. When WE start acting on what WE believe is right instead of waiting for HIM and listening to HIS voice as He guides us, we will make mistakes over and over and over again. Paul also says in Galatians 2:20 that he “…no longer lives…” because he is a slave of Christ. A slave has no will of his own, only his master’s. We are to be just like that. We are to not do what we think or believe when we make decision, but we are to be giving our free will up so that His will reigns in our lives… not ours.
You also say that, “the only reason god made marriage is to bear children to build his kingdom.” Where do I start? You used an absolute… the only reason? How about the fact that God said that He made human kind to glorify Him first and foremost? And, within the covenant of marriage, a man and a woman are united to be able to be one flesh so that we can experience more of His image: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). The image that the writer of Genesis speaks of here is the image that Kings used to place throughout their kingdom so that even though the king could not be there physically, his power and presence could be present everywhere. The only reason? I don’t even know if that’s a reason. In fact, I don’t think that’s a reason at all since that implies that we have an earthly kingdom that we need to populate by breeding. We are in a heavenly Kingdom that is not of this earth and the way to grow it is when people that have reached an age of accountability can make an informed decision by themselves and realize that they NEED the forgiveness of Jesus. If we start talking about expanding the kingdom with infants then we start to revert to the notion of infant baptism and infant salvation that Protestant Christianity has deemed unbiblical; and I am NOT willing to do that.
Also, if two Christians that didn’t listen to the LORD got married, I believe that the LORD reacts in mercy to our lack of humility in listening to Him and now start to shape the lives of the two people that are now married to be a perfect match. By saying that, “the marriage doesn't last,” it seems that you are advocating for divorce in a manner that was never intended within the Word. God NEVER wants divorce, but He has mercy for His children when there is adultery.
Also, I never said that God USES homosexuality for people to stay single because that misinterpretation and misreading of what I say would imply that God “makes” people homosexual and I thought that I was very clear about my blog saying that I DO NOT believe that. Please reread that part of my blog.
Also, by you saying that, “gay people can get ‘healed,’” you are stating that they CAN NOT be influenced by sinful nature in their sexual orientation and you are stating something that is impossible for you to know. Again, please reread my blog where I talk about how I believe it is possible for sinful nature to affect a human being’s sexual orientation while and how God, knowing that ahead of time, reacts to the affects of our fallen world.
Lastly, you stated - how can you talk about god to a gay person if you never went through it. Huh? Do you mean to say that there are people in the world that I CANNOT witness to because I do not know what they are going through? If that was true, then Christianity would have NEVER left Judea. According to your statement, Christianity would NOT BE ABLE TO leave Judea since no Israelite would be able to relate to anyone outside of their culture. I don’t believe that.
Please please please reread the part of my blog that talks about how saying that people need to be ‘healed’ of being gay can be so so so so oppressive and potentially against God’s will.
God Bless and please keep me posted on your thoughts :)
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