Saturday, February 17, 2007



angel with a bowl and dust and birds one alone flying and dies and then the flock of 7... "I have made it perfect and the fact that it's seven is a testament to God's perfection" A perfect friendship...

Well, if you read the last blog then this blog will not surprise you since the LORD was preparing me to pray over these two anointed girls. We talked at first and then we went to pray to one of their rooms [with the door open of course :)]... Well, I was so silent, but I knew the LORD wanted me to pray over them. However, I didn't know what to say, so I just kept being silent as they prayed and as they were silent as well. At one point I had a looong vision. It was of an angel of God that came down and had a brown wooden bowl, and the bowl had gold incense. As the angel got closer she/he took the incense within the bowl and sprinkled it over them. Then, I saw one bird flying against the wind, struggleing against the physical wind that I saw. The bird had come out of a forest and was attempting to cross over a desert in order to reach the forest that was on the other side. The bird seemed almost cartoonish... almost. Then the bird fell to the ground and sort of took the form of a human as it lay there, crying. But then it mustered up the force to fly again only to start to fail once more. However, a flock of 6 other birds came to its side and formed a V shape and the flock began to move forward. As the 7 birds began to move forward a whole flock of birds joined; there were so many birds now that it cast a shadow on the desert. At that point the vision ended, but it took a few minutes to receive the vision and for the LORD to give me a definition. Once the LORD had fully revealed everything and fully explained everything, I told them what the vision was and explained it to them.

The interpretation was for them so it doesnt not really make sense to say it here, but the whole experience was SOOOOO cool!!!!


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