Monday, February 5, 2007

A Vision

In the same church service at IV that I read Psalm 71, I got a vision from the LORD and there was God, Jenny and myself. I will never forget the way that Jenny looked when I saw her face. She reminded me of when Moses had to put a cover over his face because he was so radiant. She looked so beautiful in every aspect. She had such a glow on her face!! Then it panned out and I saw she was reaching towards something to her left but she was not facing whatever she was reaching for. Then the image panned out some more and I saw her from behind as she reached for something for her left, but faced directly towards God. She was walking right at Him! Then it panned even more and I saw a hand, then an arm, and then I saw that I was reaching for her! We were both doing the same thing: reching for eachother but facing and walking towards God. Then it panned out some more and I saw two lines that showed our path and as we both walked it, we both were getting closer and closer to each other. The closer we got to God the closer we would be to each other. Then, as we kept on walking, our hands began to touch, but we were still not looking at each other, we were looking at the LORD. The vision stopped with me clearly hearing God say, "IN MY TIME."


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