Monday, November 3, 2008

Heart of the Father International Ministries Newsletter - "THE ORACLE" Volume 4

I might be posting these up more and more. Be sure to do as Paul says in 1st Thessalonians 5:21

"Test everything. Hold on to the good."

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"Reformation Momentum"

Prophetic Word from Sherry Tait, prophetessOct. 29, 2008

For the Lord says, "I am releasing high level anointings of My spirit. These anointings include prayer and intercession for the nations. For My people are beginning to understand the Power of ONE, the power of united intercession proceeding out of the heavens with thunder and lightning to impact the nations.

"For I have called you My people, My Overcomers to take the and render powerless all false authority, all false gods and dethrone their power. For now, in this Third Reformation, there is a momentum that is building. For you have been called out as My Reformers, and now shall the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God, and His Christ, His anointed ones. For I am gathering together out of the four corners of the earth, as ONE VOICE, the voice of authority. For you shall RULE the nations with a rod of iron. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of MY THRONE!! Let MY VOICE be heard. For I will gather you in 3-fold cords of agreement and power, unity and love, authority and dominion.

"Reformation Prophets and Apostles... Arise! Marksman, you are to take the high places. For these high places of influence the enemy has illegally occupied will wonder what "hit" them. For in the realm of My Spirit I am setting forth My commands," says the Lord. "I am naming names, so I would have you intercede over those I give specific names I reveal to you. For I am going to cause many notable "conversions" to take place in this season says the Lord. For I would have you to pray & decree over the 7 mountains of influence: business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family, and religion.

"For there is a MOMENTUM now in the realm of My spirit among my people and APOSTOLIC PRAYER IS GOING FORTH," says the Lord. "My authority is going forth from the mouths of My faithful Intercessors, Apostles and Prophets. The Mantles of My Wisdom and Understanding have been released," says the Lord.

"For you shall see with your eyes the turning of many events, and the hearts of many turning to righteousness. Be encouraged today My people, for nothing shall by any means harm you, if you continue in Me and Abide in Me. For I AM your Fortress, Your Shield, Your High Tower, Your deliverer. I have already outsmarted the enemy, for I have released a 'Saints Movement,' a grassroots movement of My Spirit in the earth that cannot be stopped.

"My anointing and Glory cannot be stopped. My Word sent forth from My messengers cannot be stopped. For when one door seemingly closes, I will move and arrange My glory to come in another Way. For I AM the Waymaker.

"The Government IS upon My shoulders, and I have released my Elect into the earth to govern with a judicial, legislative, and executive anointing of rulership. I have released the power to bind (declare unlawful) on earth what is ALREADY BOUND IN HEAVEN!! And to loose on earth what is already LOOSED IN HEAVEN!!

"These are not just lofty words, but spiritual realities. They are a reality in the earth now, and the MOMENTUM of My anointing and glory shall continue, and the Leaven of righteousness Shall Increase," says the Lord.

"For all things work together for good, to them who are called by my name."

Passionately pursuing His Kingdom,

Apostles Barclay & Sherry Tait


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