This is an update on where we are at this moment. I'll keep you informed as the day goes by:
1. We can continue to praise God that everyone is safe.
2. There are approximately 20 studens staying with Ken and Tracy Schmidt. So far this is working well. If they are unable to return to Westmont for very long term we will need housing and will put out the call then. If you want to be on that list email me at:
3. I've talked with Warren and Russel at Westmon and let them know we can help with more students. At this point they do not know.
4. Russ and Kay Howell - who live just below Westmont did not lose their home. They walked the Westmont Housing, and along with our own Russel and Allison, these are the faculty that lost their homes both in the Westmont faculty housing and other housing: LaSages, Wolfes, Hodsons, Pointers, Taylors, Willises, Fisks, Elieen McMahon, Fikes, Fistors, Lisa DeBoer, Hoeckly, Kihlstroms and the Tros. (Please forgive any mispellings). Please pray for these families who are going to have major readjustments.
5. I talked with Christa whose husband Doug (Westmont CFO) reported that Westmont did lose some buildings. Some were scheduled for demolition in the new project and were providentially emptied this week. Others, such as a few of the Clark Residence Halls were lost along with some offices and classrooms. At least one of our Pura Vida students lived in the Clark residence hall that was lost. The chapel, which is in the center of the campus was spared even though the trees all around it were burned down. The fire came up to the sidewalk on all three sides of the Library but stopped.
6. I've contacted all the people I can in the area of the fire and here is the update for now. No one has lost their home but we are praying with them for the uncertainty of this day and these horrific winds:
Cheryl Fontana - mandatory evacuation and is back packing things to leave again.
Robbie and Janie Guillermo - mandatory evacuation and has packed things to leave again.
Deb McMahon (Mike is away at school) - mandatory evacuation and is back in the home for now.
Bruce and Barbara Scollin - mandatory evacuation and are back in the home for now.
Demaris Zylstra - warning to prepare for evacuation has not had to leave.
The Hunters, who are members of our Pura Vida congreation and live in the Westmont faculty housing did not lose their home, though all the homes around them were lost.
As I mentioned in the frist email, the Hughes, Hustons, Collins and Bowis families have not lost their homes.
I'll keep you updated throughout the day.
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