Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Dream About J

Ok, so anyone that says that God doesn't speak through dreams is out of their mind!!!

Last night (well this morning between 3:30 and 4 am) I had a dream that included J, some kids, Anna, my mom (as usual), Laura, Luz, Lydia, and some random people. I don't remember all the details, but here is the part that I DO remember. I was driving to my parent's house with Anna and once we got there, we encountered my sister and we started hanging out. At some seemingly immediate point we were approached by some man that said that he was working on a movie and he wanted Laura and I to be in it. So I dropped Anna off at my house and Laura and I went to the place that they were casting people. We ended up having to stay the night. But, since Laura's back was hurting, she had to go home that night to sleep on her bed, but I stayed. The next morning, as we held another casting cut (there were a lot of people there), Laura comes back and tells me that I have to go home and cut the grass. I put that together with the fact that I didn't know why I left Anna at home "alone" (she was with my mom) and I told the producer that I need to go. He was really angry cause he said that he was putting himself on the line for Laura and I, but we both knew that we had more important things like "cutting the grass" lol... No, I had my family and Anna... :) Anyway, I get home and Anna wasn't there for some reason. So I go up to my room and my mom comes up not too long after me and says that J was at the front door and that she wanted to see me. So J comes into my room and she was holding a baby as well as having a little child walking next to her. J ends up sitting on the bed while she holds the baby. I remember looking at the baby and it looked TOTALLY Asian! Not that it just had Asian-type eyes, but it looked ALL Asian: skin tone, eyes, hair, everything. While I looked at the baby, J asked if I liked her baby (I wondered if she adopted...). I don't know why, but I don't think I responded (HEY! it's a dream...). Then she said that she was really sorry about all the things that she said and did and I grabbed her hand and said, "I can do this right? We are friends right? This is a friend thing..." She responded by saying, "Yes we are friends, " and smiled. I woke up that instant and began to pray with overwhelming joy at how awesome the notion of being her friend and reconciliation being brought to our friendship. I started to plead with the LORD to restore our friendship so that my kids and her kids would grow up like cousins like we did and so that we would primarily be able to work together in ministry. I prayed for her and her future husband and I prayed for E as well. I was BEGGING the LORD and rejoicing at the thought of that possibility. Then I fell asleep, but not before I asked the LORD to remind me of this dream so that I could write it down.

LORD, I pray that J and mine's friendship is restored so that we can bring glory to you!! I pray for her and her family and for a miracle to occur so that you can take all the glory and honor that you and no one else deserves!!


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