Thursday, April 5, 2007

Something New

So.... ummmm....

I'm confused.... I wish that I wasn't confused. It's like: how can two things make perfect sense yet the two things that make perfect sense are both in 100% opposition to one another. If you know me, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, I never thought that it was possible for God to have two things "seemingly" opposite to one another. Let's tease this out further so that you know what I mean.

Everyone can usually remember the story of Moses and Egypt and the 10 plagues. And, since most people know about it, the thought is usually the same over and over and the teaching about it is usually the same over and over. So, what about this: God told Moses that His will was for His people to leave. However, God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that His people would not be able to leave. It seems that at the time, for God to achieve His greater purpose, He needed to go opposite to His seemingly immediate will in order to accomplish His people absolutely knowing that HE was the one true God. Also, check out 2 Samuel 24 where God tells David to count his people and then God punished David for doing so. It pretty much seems like God punished His people through David. I'm blabbing right now and I can be a lot more articulate. Check back in a few days and this will make sense, but meanwhile read 2 Samuel 24...


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