Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Psalm 54

The passage is a amaskil of David that he writes when the Ziphites had gone to Saul and told him that David was hiding amongst them.

David pleads to the LORD for help as men are attacking him and seeking to end his life, "men without regard for God." But David says, "surely God is my help" and he knows that God, "in His faithfulness, " will, "destroy them."

The thing that gets me about this passage is that the last verse says:

7 For he has delivered me from all my troubles,
and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes.

"He HAS deliver me?" Earlier in the psalm David was pleading for the LORD's help and in the last verse he says that He HAS delivered him? This can be taken different ways:

Some people say that individual Psalms were written over a period of time and that is why there is such difference in the mood over 1 Psalm. However, I want to think that David recognizes the omnipresence and sovereignty of God. I like to look at this and think that David was downtrodden and is pleading to God and then, within the same prayer, in the middle of one of his tears falling off his tear duct and sliding down his cheek, David realizes that in God, we already have the victory! So immediately David turns to praise and sees his enemies defeated because he KNOWS that he is a man after God's heart, that he has found favor with God, and that God will never leave him! I feel like this is faith in action. We plead with God for Him to work in things... and He does. But a lot of times we don't think of listening to what He is saying in the midst of the problem. In my life, He has usually told me what He was going to do, so I started to praise Him for it. There is so much more joy in times of trouble when He has told us that He will give us deliverance and the rest of the time we just need to be faithful in putting our faith into action NOW, before we are out of the desert.

*singing* Go GOD, Go GOD, Go GOD!!!

You are always my deliverer and I LOVE to live in the uncertainty that humans see at the same time as in the certainty that humans see only when they are looking at everything through your eyes! People will ridicule me and think of me as an extremist, but that is SUCH a compliment because I WILL NOT COMPROMISE THE THINGS THAT YOU HAVE TOLD ME AND THE LIFE THAT YOU HAVE TOLD ME TO LIVE!! IT IS SO MUCH EASIER TO DOUBT THAN TO HAVE FAITH IN WHAT WE CANNOT SEE. IT IS SO MUCH EASIER TO BE A RATIONAL PHARISEE THAN TO BE AN IRRATIONAL JESUS!! HAHAHAHA, THE JOY THAT I GET WHEN I KNOW THAT I AM ALIGNED WITH YOUR SPIRIT!! THE WORLD CAN THROW A MOUNTAIN MY WAY AND MY MUSTARD-SEED FAITH WILL MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE!!!!!!!!!!!! Satan, you might have the world and even some Christians fooled, but in the name of JESUS you are beaten and I will tell and tell and tell of HIS Victory over you then and now and forever and continue to point people to reality: Jesus IS LORD over everything that is logical!!

Brothers... sisters... Don't just STUDY the Word, LIVE the word... Don't just depend on the material and logical limitations to do ministry... LIVE the miracles of then by having the LORD do them through you NOW!!! If someone is sick... don't just pray for them to get better, have the faith to pray that they be healed NOW in the name of Jesus JUST like the disciples did!!Paul writes of "gifts of healing." Do you have it? DON'T ANSWER ME IF YOU NEVER EVEN TRIED TO USE IT!!! How would you know!?!?!? If your friend has a headache, pray for healing that comes as fast as when Jesus healed people!! LIVE YOUR FAITH!!! STRETCH YOUR FAITH!!! BLESS PEOPLE!!!

Where are my prophets and speakers of heavenly and worldly tongues? Where are my workers of miracles? Where are my Christians living IN the Spirit instead of just WITH the Spirit <-- that be sum TRUTH right thea!!! Leap out in faith and allow the LORD to lift you on eagle's wings to a new level of experiencing Him!!

LEAP into the abyss of uncertainty, because THERE you will be a leader fro Christ. THERE you will know a new God! THERE you will see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. How the HECK do we think that His will will be done on earth if we are trying to accomplish it within the box of rationality and human limitations that we place God in? IMPOSSIBLE. I feel that people read that verse that I just referred to and translate it in their heads to, "His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth, but not like in Heaven because that's impossible!"



The word impossible doesn't exist to God, only to us! We made that word up and it hinders the ministry of the Holy Spirit! LORD LIVE IN THEM, LIVE IN ME!!! There are people right now SEEING Jesus!!! SEEEEEEEIIIIIINNNNGGG!!!

Impossible - - - LOL - - - DOUBT - - - LOL - - -

The Devil is TRICKING and WINNING in holding our faith back CHRISTIANS!!!

YOU are supposed to be Jesus NOW... SO DANG IT!!! DO IT!! BE IT!!! (I sound like a Nike commercial haha)... You Children of God have all of God's power on your lips-touched-by-hot-coal-from-Heaven and you never put those lips to practice according to Mark 16:17-20!!!

I end with two words:



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