Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Privilidge

Suffering for Christ really is a privilidge... Let me rephrase that, suffering really is a privilidge...

What I mean is that sometimes you get so into being self-righteous because you think that something that is currently going on in your life is not your fault, but that 'something' is happening for some reason. That 'something' was allowed to happen by the LORD for some reason. Suffering is a privilisge because by getting a chance to love a real enemy changes your heart to be more like that of Christ's. I can get a little glimpse of what Jesus really felt like when He said, "Father, forgive them for the do not know what they do." He loved, He really loved those that put Him through the horrifiying and shaming process of crucification. Of all people in all of history is all the world Jesus was the one that was least deserving of crucification! He was sinless. And here I sit thinking that I have the right to be mad and not thinking about why this is happening. This is a privilidge for so many reasons, but the biggest is because I get a chance to experience more of Christ through all of this. How wonderfully heartbreaking is it that I get to pray for my enemy; that I actually get to love the unlovable. Man! THANK YOU LORD!!

Also, while I am suffering for something that is not directly my fault, like Jesus did, I know that the LORD could have stopped this from happening, and since HE didn't, then HE felt it necessary for this to happen. Why? Man I asked myself that not really wanting to hear the answer even though I have heard the answer. He said "if you want to be a man after my own heart then you have to love the way I love" Also I would not have learned otherwise...

There are so many other things that are happening and have happened, but now I don't really remember them all, I need to do a better job of writing these things down within a couple days of them happening!


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