Friday, November 14, 2008

Montecito Tea Fire

Many of you already know about the Montecito Tea Fire and might be personally affected. Here is a web site where you can see updates:

Here's an email that I received from Westmont:

Conditions on campus improved to the point where staff were able to get
food from the Dining Commons and bring it to the gym, where the
community is sheltered in place.

Conditions in the area may make it possible now to leave the campus for
a Red Cross shelter, but that option is still being explored.
Firefighters are currently attempting to put out several fires at Clark
Hall. Structures lost to or significantly damaged by fire include the
Physics Building, the 'old Math" building, Bauder Hall and the Quonset

Again, we are grateful that no one has been hurt on campus, and everyone
is safely in the gymnasium and in good spirits.

Thank you for your prayers.

Chris Call,
Vice President for Administration

Here's the next email:

Update: 11:44 . A natural gas line has broken, forcing the fire
department to shut off natural gas to the college. This has brought
down our generators. We have between 1/2 hour and 4 hours of UPS left,
so may not be able to post further updates through the web site.

John Rodkey
Associate Director of IT


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