Friday, November 21, 2008

Westmont College Assistance and Volunteer Opportunities

Hey everyone,

If this is your first email from me, it means you have been added to the student volunteers list and are likely to receive a ridiculous amount of emails in the following week (I know, I know it is not a exactly a proper reward for your generosity). In any case, we want to express a deep gratitude for your willingness to serve.

For right now, any needs or requests of Westmont and the surrounding community are sent to where we can then organize them and then communicate them to you. We have expressed this before but it does not hurt to reiterate: this is not an obligation and our only goal is to mobilize the students who feel led to lend a hand. (NOTE: it is likely that we will include this header at the beginning of emails from now until the list of volunteers ceases to grow)



+ We received a request for two people to look after an elderly couple so that their daughter can work on insurance. Please sign up on the spreadsheet and contact Debbie @ the phone number listed.

+ The Montecito Fire Station will be filling up sandbags all day, feel free to stop by and help out if you are not doing anything better with your time. From what we are told they have around 200 to fill so they will appreciate a few extra hands. (It is not hard, just a bit time-consuming)

+ Good work so far, right now the limiting factor is work and not volunteers. Please remember to be safe in whatever tasks you are employed.

+ Here is that link again for those of you too lazy to search back through your inbox Volunteer Spreadsheet


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